Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Responces To Hunger :: essays research papers

Although hunger and starvation are prevalent in our nation, Americans have turned their backs to this problem. We have turned our backs because we have been conditi adeptd and desensitized by the media, to the issue of hunger. Classical conditioning is &8220the process by which a stimulus acquires the capacity to elicit a response through association with a stimulus that already elicits a similar or related response. Classical conditioning is like the famous case of Pavlov&8217s dogs that we learned about in Psychology 101 The dogs learn to associate the ringing of the bell with food, and, once conditioned, the dogs could not hear the bell without salivating.The Japanese were masters at using Hellenic conditioning with their solders. Early in World War II, Chinese prisoners were placed in a ditch on their knees with their hands bound behind them. And one by one, a select few Japanese soldiers would go into the ditch and bayonet &8220their prisoners to death. Up on the bank, countl ess other young soldiers would cheer them on in their violence. Comparatively few soldiers actually killed in these situations, but by making the others watch and cheer, the Japanese were able to use these kinds of atrocities to classically condition a very large audience to associate pleasure with adult male death and suffering. Immediately afterwards, the soldiers who had been spectators were treated to sake, the best meal they had in months, and so-called comfort girls. The leave alone? They learned to associate committing violent acts with pleasure.There are also some clear-cut examples of classical conditioning established by the media today. Our culture watches vivid pictures of human suffering and death, and we learn to associate it with our favorite soft drink and candy bar, or our girlfriend&8217s/boyfriend&8217s perfume/cologne. This occurs at the movies or even at home watching TV we laugh and cheer and keep right on eating popcorn and drinking pop enchantment in front of us are images of death. We are in a generation where we have learned to associate the media with pleasure. So it is no surprise that when we vision starving people in the world we are not startled, or very upset by the images displayed.Operant conditioning is the process by which a response becomes more or less likely to occur, depending on its consequence. Children, of course cry for many valid reasons pain, discomfort, fear, illness, fatigue and their cries deserve an adult&8217s philanthropy and attention.

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